Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Last day to submit late work is June 15!

The end of the school year is quickly approaching! The last day to submit late work is June 15. All Actively Learn assignments are set to lock at 11:59 pm that day. If you have extenuating circumstances that have prevented you from completing work by that day, please email me to discuss.

Here's what you should expect in the next week and a half:
  • A final review of the American Dream concept
  • Final review/discussion of The Great Gatsby
  • A final summative assignment for The Great Gatsby
Please make sure you are reviewing Skyward regularly and updating your missing assignments. Actively Learn shows me when students complete work so I know to grade it. Teams mostly does that, but is less reliable. If you believe there is an assignment you completed but I missed, please email me ASAP.

Week of June 15, 2020

Please find this week at a glance here .  Please watch this video (the password is liberty--lowercase L) explaining what's happening...